What duties are required with nanny child care? Many parents often wonder the extent of the responsibilities of a nanny child care. At first meeting, families and nannies alike are advised to establish guidelines and set expectations with regards to caring for the child/children. This helps prevent disputes with the nanny and cause the nanny to leave.

Highly qualified nannies are a rare kind, so if your current nanny displays qualities that suit your preferences on child care and loves your child, then you’ve found a jewel. Hence, you need to make sure that all is well between the nanny and you for the nanny to build long-term employment relationship with you.

The degree of nanny child care depends on the nanny’s child care experience. Entry-level nannies may only involve helping mothers with child care while experienced nannies can do as much as be instrumental in the intellectual, emotional, physical, and social development of a child. Most families need to leave the children in the care of a full-time nanny. With that comes the responsibility of ensuring the welfare of the children during the day when parents are at work.

The top priority of nanny child care, in general, is to make sure the children’s needs are met in the different areas of development. Being a nanny is more than just receiving a weekly pay check. Working with children is a very fulfilling job because you are not only a caregiver, but also someone who is part of a child’s life.

The main responsibilities of nanny child care include meal preparation, help with homework (of schoolchildren), taking the child to scheduled activities, arrange play dates, plan stimulating activities, do the children’s laundry, keep play areas clean, and others as may be agreed upon between the parents and nanny.

Improve child care skills

Child care can be a very demanding task, especially with very young children. Thus, one common way to improve nanny child care skills is to participate in nanny trainings and obtain a certification. A great number of parents would prefer nannies that have undergone various trainings on child care, which can include first aid training.

Several organizations are devoted to nanny or babysitter trainings in response to the growing demand for child care services. One of the best known trainings is the American Red Cross Babysitter Training and the CABS (developed by several national organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics).

Nanny child care requires patience, but when you grow to love the job and the child, it can be a very flattering experience.

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Do you need a nanny to take care of your child/children while you are at work? Many parents with experience in finding a nanny with the right qualifications would tell you that it's never like choosing an ice cream flavor. However, if you've found the right person to fill your space, at least, in providing childcare, the next issue would be nanny cost.

How much should you pay a nanny and what is the cost associated with having a nanny at home. First, you need to know that there are two kinds of nannies today – live-in and live out nannies. Live-in nannies are those who stay with you at home, so you need to provide her with a private sleeping quarter and meals. The live out nanny comes over to your house at a time you both agreed on, and is entitled to meals as long as she is with your child at home.

In the United States, nannies are covered under a special regulation that entitles them to a compensation and benefits package required by law. When you hire a nanny, you become the employer and the nanny, the employee. Similar to other jobs, the background and experience of nannies will determine their compensation level. If your nanny barely has childcare experience, she is likely to be at the lowest end of the compensation range. The higher the candidate's childcare experience coupled with related training and education, the higher nanny cost will be.

Most often than not, live-in nanny cost (salary) can range between $525-650 weekly while live-out nanny cost is between $525-750 per week. As the employer, you are responsible for your nanny's taxes unlike when you bring your child to a daycare center, where compensation and benefits, as well as taxes are shouldered by the owner of the place.

Tax Exceptions

There are exceptions to nanny tax policies. If the nanny works for you for 29 hours/week or less, then she is responsible for paying her taxes which she can file via IR56. You can save on nanny cost if the nanny is hired only temporarily or as a babysitter. This is possible if your work allows you spend more time with your child.

You may also wish to bring your nanny along on a vacation, if it's absolutely necessary. This will not only increase nanny cost but your vacation expenses as well. Remember, the nanny's transportation costs will be billed against you, and so will her other needs while taking care of your child during the vacation. You can continue paying her the daily salary just like at home.

Nanny cost may be a small investment if you are assured that your child/children are in safe hands when you are away.

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Source : http://findbabysitters.webs.com/apps/blog/show/17930946-things-to-consider-before-putting-down-the-nanny-for-hire-sign

Since the late 19th and early 20th century, the concept of a nanny has already been in practice in modern society, with “nanny for hire” signs already posted on household gates and fences.

A nanny is basically a person whose profession involves looking after the child, or children, of a household. Way back during its inception years, a nanny was pretty much referred to as a “nurse” whose primary duties involved childcare. It isn’t actually surprising to hear of “nurses” taking care of up to three generations of a household’s children, depending on their performance as nannies.

These days, a nanny could either be one who lives in, or out, meaning she/he could be one who lives within the child’s household, or reports in during an arranged time schedule.

The value of picking the right nanny couldn’t be stressed even more than by simply explaining the nature of a nanny’s job. Before taking down that nanny for hire sign, here is something to consider:

Those who put up nanny for hire signs expect nanny applicants to work within a set of responsibilities. Here is a sample list of responsibilities which one should “test” a nanny applicant on, before taking down that nanny for hire sign.

- A nanny should provide child care within the scheduled hours, and should inform the employing family should there be difficulties in keeping with the predefined schedule, regardless of the reason.

- A nanny should support the child, or children, on a creative, physical, social, and intellectual sense.

- A nanny should keep her/his wards away from harm, ensuring their safety above anything else.

- A nanny should provide sufficient nutrition, giving a child, or children, balanced meals, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

- A nanny, though spending much time with a child, or children, shouldn’t “outstage” the parent, or parents’ role in the child, or children’s lives, keeping the parents informed of a child, or children’s concerns and other issues.

- The cleanliness of the home is also a concern, as the neatness and cleanliness of a house affects the child, or children.

Should an applicant have no problems with the defined set of responsibilities, what hinders one from taking down the nanny for hire sign would be a background check on the applicant.

Ideally, an applicant’s references should be looked upon with scrutiny. If the applicant’s resume stands to suit well with what one is looking for, the whole taking down of the nanny for hire sign would be all that’s left to do.

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Source : http://findbabysitters.webs.com/apps/blog/show/17930486-the-nanny-needed-situation

A nanny needed situation is one where one needs the services of a nanny. Finding out the purpose of hiring a nanny isn’t exactly rocket science, as in these fast paced times, career driven parents simply need help in raising their children. The act of employing nannies to help them deal with the challenges of rearing a child, or children, is known to help parents cope with the stresses of their careers, as well as with the stresses at home, with a child, or children to take care of.

The whole concept of a nanny needed situation dates back to the late 19th and early 20th century. Nannies then were often referred to as nurses, with some households even integrating them within the family household itself. Certain nannies were/are known to take care of up to three generations of children, keeping true to the nature of their profession, and are at times, genuinely loved by households, even referred to as members of the family.

In a bookish dictionary definition, a nanny is one who looks after the child or children of a family, who employs them for such a service. A nanny needed situation is one where parents simply need the physical presence of someone to take care of their child or children, or help them take care of their child or children.

On a general scale, a nanny needed situation asks this list of responsibilities from nannies:

- Nannies provide childcare, ideally within a timeframe agreed upon between her/him and her/his employers. Should there be schedule related problems, a nanny should ideally inform his/her employer, or employers regarding the situation.

- A nanny is not only concerned with the physical well being of the child, or children, but should aid him/her/them in the social, emotional, creative, and intellectual sense of his/her/their development.

- Keeping the child, or children away from physical harm, stands to be another responsibility nannies should shoulder.

- Providing proper well balanced meals and snacks to the child or children rank as another responsibility for a nanny.

- Though spending a lot of time with a child, or children, a nanny should know that he/she shouldn’t outstage the role of the parent in the child, or children’s live/lives. By informing the parents of their child, or children’s concerns, a nanny actively involves the parents’ the child or children’s lives.

- Maintaining a clean and neat environment is also a nanny’s concern, keeping the household clean and neat, the ideal ambience for a child, or children to grow in.

Bottom line, a nanny needed situation is truly a stressful state where parents simply need the services of a nanny. Getting one may cost more, but the benefits which follow are altogether worth the cost in resolving a nanny needed situation.

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Today, more moms are getting employed full-time or part-time, increasing the need for babysitters. There might be hundreds of babysitters in your area, but only a few are qualified. The last thing you want to happen is entrust the welfare of your child to an inexperienced babysitter. So how do you find a babysitter?

Foremost, several babysitting businesses are sprouting in response to this demand for babysitters. Many high school or college students are also inclined to find extra incomes by babysitting. It is no longer hard to find a babysitter. The difficult question to answer is, "Can you trust a babysitter?" Thus, the question should be, "How to find a babysitter you can trust?" Now that's a totally different one.

If you're searching on the Internet to find a babysitter from online babysitting clubs, you might have a rundown of babysitters within your own zip code. These online babysitting sites usually have a database of babysitters residing in different states. What you do is type in your zip code and view babysitter profiles.

This can be an opportunity to select a few babysitters with profiles that match your preference. Do not stick on one babysitter. Instead, interview a few, one at a time, and go on to another batch if none of them would meet your expectations. Don't rush when trying to find a babysitter. Often, many parents rush at finding a babysitter but regret, eventually. Some babysitters do this job solely for the money, which make them sloppy at childcare.

Another good way to find a babysitter is through words of mouth. Most experienced babysitters had probably watched over your neighbors' children several times. Ask your neighbors for babysitters whom they trust and see if she is available when you need her. Most babysitters are college or high school students, or may have full-time jobs, that baby-sit only during their spare times.

Through Job Posting

Many babysitters are simply waiting for job postings of parents. You may post them around your neighborhood or the next and wait until babysitters start calling you. Be sure that the telephone number you indicate is easy to reach. You may use the direct line to your office phone number or better yet, your cell phone.

Job posting may also be done in babysitting online sites, where babysitters may find you. However, these sites require subscription. It's up to you to subscribe to them for a fee or stay to the traditional paper job posting.

Find a babysitter whom you can trust, is reliable, responsible, and someone who will truly care for your child.

One of the best experiences that a person could ever get in his or her life is being a parent for the first time. It is good to know that you will have a bundle of joy coming to your family but it could be quite overwhelming since everything will be new. This is the time when you will need a help from professional nanny who can help you in taking care of your child, especially when you are a new parent and going through an adjustment period.

One of the best things that you can to protect your child and make sure of your child’s care is training a nanny properly. Though it is considered basic but it would be good for both nanny and you.

Home care guide: It is very helpful to have a guide both for you and for the nanny in the form of Home Care Guide booklet, it is very necessary to have it as a new parent. This booklet should contain information regarding childcare and household. You make and arrange it in the form of a notebook or a binder by doing proper research, or by just thinking of the most important information to add in the booklet. You nanny can read the information in the booklet and refer it when you are not at house. Information should include the following:
1. Daily schedule of nanny’s job
2. Nanny job description, including everything related to job
3. Emergency details about the child like medical history, present medications, type of blood etc.
4. contact information of parents, friends and neighbors in case of emergency.
5. Information related to household.

Emergency situations are unavoidable and they can be very distressing. Accessibility of information would make this type of emergency situation less distressing for everyone.

Discussions: Sitting with nanny and developing a good relation is very important like any other working relationships, this should be done in the beginning. A perfect example is discussing how frequently checking should be done, it may be once a day, week or a month. You should be very specific on how you want your nanny to interact with you. Both of you can talk about setting expectations on both sides at the beginning.

While hiring a nanny, as a parent you can expect a nanny to have some kind of basic training. This can be a signal that a candidate does not take her job lightly. As the everyday safety of your kid depends on nanny, you should make sure that your nanny is well trained with first aid and CPR.

Canberra nannies - http://www.weneedananny.com.au/ACT/Canberra-Nannies

Melbourne babysitting - http://www.weneedananny.com.au/VIC/Melbourne-Babysitters

Everyone thinks about having a nanny at some point of their life. Whether you need her for long term or short term, it is important that you find a good nanny. No matter what method you use to find a good nanny, there are some aspects that you should seek in a nanny and they are as follows:

Experience: It would be great if your nanny has some past experience with kids. Keep in mind that nannies usually have big roles and responsibilities to fulfill than occasional baby sitters. You definitely play a role in assisting nanny to lean what you want her to do for your child. You should carefully examine her resume before hiring a nanny and ask appropriate questions about her past experience. She should be used to taking care of children with same ages as your children.

Training: It is not necessary that your nanny should have a diploma or any other degree from a nanny academy. There is no legal aspects included here that says nannies should complete some special courses. But it would be great if you can get a nanny who has taken some special courses. These courses may inclusive of topics such as child development and fist aid. These special courses may be crucial considering that you will be leaving your children with a stranger for most of the time in a day. You can at least make sure that your nanny can act smart in emergency situations.

Clean Background: All types of applicants will be attracted to a nanny needed ad. The issue would be finding the applicants that are reliable. You don’t want to hire someone who has a criminal history. It may not be easy for you to check the background of a nanny. This is the reason why some people decide to hire nannies from online services or agencies. Nannies who are part of reputable services or agencies already have authorization or clearances that can prove that their background is clear. If you are taking up the hiring process on your own, you can ask the applicant if she is can arrange for some important clearances.

References: Every applicant should come with some references. This is needed for nannies especially, since they will be taking care of your kids. References can help in comparing whatever is mentioned in the nanny’s resume. If a candidate appears without any reference, you should ask her to get one, you should make it clear in your ad that a candidate must bring references along with their resume.

Some more useful references

Melbourne babysitters - http://www.weneedananny.com.au/VIC/Melbourne-Babysitters

Canberra nanny - http://www.weneedananny.com.au/ACT/Canberra-Nannies

Find a babysitter - http://www.weneedananny.com.au/caregivers/browse.html
It is a big decision if you are thinking of hiring a Sydney nanny, and this decision will greatly influence any family. Both children and parents always have a many things to get used to when it comes to changing the routine of childcare. Staring with a Sydney nanny when a child is very small can be very challenging, but when a child is a toddler comes with some special challenges. A child care Sydney nanny must be aware of basic skills of handling them. It is crucial to make a good child Sydney nanny match while considering a caretaker for a toddler who is big enough and have some strengths, preferences and weaknesses when compared with an infant. Some of the below mentioned points are very important to be considered while choosing the Sydney nanny for your toddler.

Is she able to help your toddler in developing daily routine? Routine can be important in making safe, stable atmosphere for toddlers where they have the freedom to develop mentally and physically. If a Sydney nanny is not able to balance regular hours, or she tends to be absent most of the times, the anxiety may not be good for your toddler.

Is she prepared with CPR and first aid training and can assist the toddler with basic health care needs? A toddler’s healthcare needs can range from handling with bedwetting and toilet training, to going through common toddler sickness like rashes, sleeping issues, constipation, sneezing, stuffy noses and vomiting. A Sydney nanny should be prepared for many other things than these, because every toddler may behave in a different way. Toddlers are more difficult to handle compared to infants. A Sydney nanny should also be experienced in potty training a toddler.

Children are ready to express themselves artistically, emotionally or verbally by the age of 3. A good Sydney nanny will be interested and encouraging to direct the toddler’s educational development. A Sydney nanny should be ready to do projects and crafts along with your toddler, she should be willing to engage with the child in playtime activities and spend time with them while reading or working with some educational toys like letters, colors, numbers and shapes.

Nannies who feel exhausted and unappreciated normally don’t stick for long time. It is crucial to have constant and trustworthy childcare as consistent change can be very difficult and distressing for your family and especially for children. Due to this, it is always beneficial to make attempts to respond any sensible concerns that your Canberra Nanny might have.

It can be very difficult to find out what went wrong. In many cases there is a quick and easy solution to issues that your Canberra Nanny may have, and all that is required is communication, understanding and an idea of the common difficulties nannies go through while taking care of others children.

Intervening parents
Sometimes nannies face a situation where a parent intervenes with the relationship of nannies and children when it comes to behavior. This is specifically witness if the father or mother works at home or stays home without any work. This can result in frustration for the Canberra Nanny and children get confused. Sometimes the children begin to ask questions and also challenge the authority of the Canberra Nanny. It is crucial to let your children know that Canberra Nanny is in charge.

If your children come to you running because they just don’t like the way the Canberra Nanny is handling them with discipline, you should let your children know that you are with the decision of Canberra Nanny and you support her. It is important to discuss your philosophy of discipline before she starts the job so that she can understand clearly about your children and your priorities. During the job interview, discipline philosophy should be the main topic of discussion.

This is one of the important reasons a Canberra Nanny will search for work somewhere else. They are not always confident enough to show their concerns regarding this matter. It is crucial to pay your Canberra Nanny a good salary, make sure that you are not underpaying her, you should pay her according to her experience, education and job description. She may feel under valued if you are not paying her properly and she may quit the job. It is important to give a proper raise to your Canberra Nanny from time to time, pay her for over time and always give bonuses to make them feel that you appreciate their work.

Too much of work
Some people ask the Canberra Nanny to do lot of housework. Firstly, it is important you keep in mind that a Canberra Nanny’s duty is to take care of your children and not doing a housekeeping work. If you are expecting other work from her, you should let her know about it while hiring her.

Find Canberra Nanny at http://www.weneedananny.com.au/ACT/Canberra-Nannies

It is not easy to decide the proper time for starting to look for a nanny, but there are number of reasons why the working parents need a nanny or a caretaker. Hiring a nanny can be the most satisfying and fulfilling decision made by a parent, no matter if the parent has to work busy schedules or just looking for some additional help.

When it comes to selecting the nanny, parents find many options. They can take the help of nanny agency, these agencies only suggest authorized and organized providers, or you can take advantage of online nanny service. Parents can also ask their friends for references. Both options have advantages, and the ultimate decision will be taken by the parent. People prefer the suggestions of friends sometimes, and sometimes they prefer a professional who is accredited for by an organization and some times people thin that nanny service works great.

One of the important misunderstandings with parents is that childcare by nanny is not very good when it comes to bringing up a child. Various people throughout the world depend on third person to help out with childcare, so this is not true.

After deciding on the option for getting a good nanny, the next step is setting a time for interview with a nanny. It is good to consider some questions in advance to interview a nanny. Always ask for references, the age group that nanny has mainly worked with, and if they are accredited in CPR and other practices of first aid. But also keep in mind that you ask questions related to logistics. If nanny is willing to work full-time or part-time, how often she is available? These factors are important in making decision, and they should never be neglected.

Many times, it is very good and helpful to review a resume to examine potential candidates for the nanny job so that you don’t need to spend lot of time in the process of interview talking to someone who is not suitable. A professional nanny interview should be saved for candidate who seems like a perfect nanny for your family, because you just don’t want to waste yours or nanny’s time. It is often a good idea to do a background check before settling on any kind of work contract. No matter what type of impression you get from an interview, it is very important to know someone’s history before hiring them.

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